Friday, January 12, 2007

More poking around on Google re "Hassanemesit Woods"

Some interesting looking rocks here called "Purgatoire Chasm". Are those man-made?
[Click here]

1 comment :

  1. I've been to Purgatory Chasm many times in my life. It's actually in Sutton. It's a very deep, very impressive chasm with enormous drop-offs and huge formations. You can hike through the heart of the chasm and enter several boulder caves, and you can hike above the chasm for impressive views below.

    There is a little known hike beyond Purgatory Chasm to Little Purgatory Chasm -- a much smaller formation but with beautiful waterfalls and an impressive basin.

    As a nature hike, it doesn't get more spectacular east of the Berkshires than at Purgatory Chasm.

    For rock piles, though, I didn't find much in the tourist areas. Purgatory Chasm is WILDLY popular. But on the lesser traveled trails in the surrounding forest I did find a few. I have no photos of those.

    I do have some photos of Purgatory Chasm and Little Purgatory at this gallery:
