Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ceremonial Stone Landscape Threatened by Airport Runway

By Geophile
Does anyone know what happened in the case discussed in this article about a runway in Montague, Mass.? I don't remember hearing about it when it was going on, but then I may have missed it. Of course, after reading it, one can guess how it probably went, but does anyone know?

An intriguing quotation from Doug Harris, Narragansett Indians Historic Preservation Office spokesman, "I was told by elders we shouldn't try for partnerships (with town officials) around ceremonial stone sites, because we would have to reveal too much. …"


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I was at this site about a year or so ago with Doug Harris, Tim Fohl and Ted Timreck, along with a member or two from the town council. There are a number of cairns and probable petroforms on the site, along with the manitou stone mentioned in the article. Doug has been fighting to save this stretch of land ever since. Let's hope he succeeds.


  2. Thanks for finding this article.
