Thursday, May 15, 2008

Todd's Father's Collection

Not so great photos of a collection, finds from the farm mentioned at , found by Todd's Dad (No comments about multiple circles of stones in a long row? Has anyone ever seen similar - I will go back for better pix, as with the points - I had my old back-up camera).

Soon to come will be photos from Todd's new house, an outcrop with many, many turtles and abraders and hammerstones and all sorts of stuff!


  1. What is the material for the red point? Chert? It reminds me of the red support stone for that glacial erratic in Foxboro State Forest that I photographed last year: an even red color with no inclusions.

  2. I have several points that are very similar to the red point, chert, red and green grey. A most interesting point, looks like a St. Charles Chert, early Archaic.

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  5. Notice the diagonal line on the big blade?
    I forwarded Todd a message from the Institute for American Indian Studies that says: "Artifact Identification Day - Sunday, May 18th from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Dr. Lucianne Lavin, Dir. of Research & Collections will be available to offer her expertise in identifying artifacts. Included in regular museum admission - free to members. Limit 12 items per person."
    I don't know if he'll go, but if he does I'll let you know what Luci says...

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  7. To me the red point does not look genuine.
