Tuesday, November 04, 2008

NY Mountaintop site - part 2

There are over a dozen really beautiful rock piles just off the flat from the mountaintop, many of them along the ledge leading up to the flat on the eastern side. This one has an aperture which provides a good view from both sides:
There were a number of spots where I could get more than one rock pile in a single picture.
This is one of my favorites. It's quite large and stacked on a boulder.This last rock pile is right on the edge of the flat, on the southeast side. It's a little different and somewhat separate from the main group of rock piles on the flat. Such nice shapes!


  1. Fascinating how many stone piles are found on mountain summits. They remind me of the ones I saw on Glastenbury Mountain near Bennington, VT, and images I've seen of similar carefully stacked piles in the southern Appalachians.

  2. Yes, I'm starting to think that there are rock piles on every summmit in this general vicinity. I just have to be more judicious in where on the summit I look because, as in this case, I hit the summit once (to the west) and found no rock piles, so I thought there was nothing up there. Boy, was I wrong!

  3. What about that bowl to the north of Site 1, where the map has a "2089" and a hollow develops eastward?

  4. I haven't been over there - yet! Now I know where I'm going next weekend! There is one more summit just north of "2089" (which is cut off on the map part I posted) that is also on my list of places to go. That summit is above 2100 feet and I have reason to believe there is something up there, but I'll explore it first and post if I find something.

  5. I know we have discussed this before but a lot of these piles look like they have a hole in the side stoppered with a loose rock. Am I just seeing things?

  6. I don't know, but that is worth checking out. I need to go back and look at some things in more detail at this site, so that is something I will check into.
