Saturday, July 24, 2010

Money Hole Mountain Stone Wall - NY

Rob Buchanan writes:

As I mentioned I had come across an interesting stone wall on Moneyhole Mountain. Below is a description of the wall and some other stone structures near it.

The stone wall is situated on the NW edge of a long ridge which runs in a south westerly direction from the top of the Moneyhole Mountain.

The wall itself is less than 1 m high and primarily constructed of rectangular slabs. The slabs are tilted and stacked to form many holes, gaps and niches.

The NE part of the wall runs through open forest for about a 100 m before entering thicker vegetation. The wall then turns uphill to the east.

All along the ridge and wall there are views to the W and NW of the Mount Beacon ridge and Storm King across the Hudson.

Where the wall's eastern arm ends there is a large turtle effigy mound and about 60 m to the S of that there is a propped boulder cluster.

The propped boulder cluster consists of three boulders leaning into each other. There is an opening which passes in a N - S direction under the boulders. There is also E - W opening between them.

On the ridge above the stone wall there are two large light colored boulders.