Monday, September 20, 2010

Just Another "Mysterious Chamber"


  1. Certainly the Indians were constructing stone chambers long before the 17th century. However, the wiki entry claiming that the Nipmuk Paleo Indians came from the southwest 15-20,000 B.P. has to be taken with a grain of salt, and flies in the face of current knowledge of Paleo Indians coming from the northeast and northwest and spreading west and south 12 to 13,000 B.P. These dates are bound to change, however, as archaeologists dig deeper and find evidence of people predating the Clovis period. The Meadowcroft Rockshelter outside Pittsburgh, PA, with an early date of around 17,000 B.P. may eventually become the norm.

  2. One could argue the Nipmuck might be related to the mound-builders. But before that? Who knows. The transition to "Late Woodland" is going to be pretty hard to trace the further back you go.
