Saturday, November 06, 2010

Bushy Ridge Cairns - Putnam County NY

Rob Buchanan writes:

Below are some pictures and words from my last Sunday's adventure.

Bushy Ridge in Putnam County NY is a part of a large hill that divides the headwaters of Canopus Creek and Wiccoppee Brook. The ridge itself runs in a NE -SW direction from the main part of the hill. The lower part of the ridge is virtually littered with rock piles and cairns. Here are some that I found last weekend.

Before I reached the ridge itself I can across what looks like a U-shaped structure and a curious rock pile which I think might be of recent construction.

Many of the cairns and rock piles are marked on the orienteering map of the area. I was aiming to find three cairns situated high on the eastern slope of the ridge.

I found the cairns and was impressed with their size and structure. There was also a nice rock-on-rock feature nearby.

There are still many more stone structures to explore and document. I'll send some images the next time I'm up on the ridge.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


  1. I love those *looking uphill* shots of the cairns with the horizon at the top of the cairn. I seem to see a lot of that in the western Catskills, too. Very nice site!!

  2. What a great site!
