Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Big Balanced Boulder

Ron Smith has some new photos up that I found quite interesting and a little relevant to the recent thoughts about stone row pathways popping up on Rock Piles. And I'm well aware that Northern California isn't the Northeast, but let me remind you that about 20 years ago, my interest in the Yurok and related People was sparked by Mavor and Dix (check the index in Manitou for more details) saying what they had to say about the Yurok - without the added benefit of photos like this one.
And these: http://www.relicsoftheancients.com/sb_pass_road_BBR.htm
Close up added
Link to a Stoneworked Spring in CT:


  1. That certainly looks like a pathway entering through a break in the wall.

  2. That is an awesome picture up close and it is worth clicking on the link and then clicking on this photo to see - there are interesting things going on in the background.

  3. I'd be up on those hillsides, looking for a stoneworked spring - especially where I see the trees/shrubs growing...

  4. I just looked again. Amazing! There is that line of rocks on the slope above and to the right behind the central boulder. But follow the gully behind the boulder up to where the sheep are grazing on the left and there is a larger boulder up there with a couple of dotted-circle stone patterns.

  5. Ron added more photos - can you see the "mortar-like" bowl or basin for tobbacco/angelica root offerings?

  6. And the white well pump in the panorama?
