Tuesday, April 03, 2012

A bend in the brook (the first level place on the way up to Sheldon Pond)

[Please click on the picture and magnify as much as possible]
Behind the quartz and to the left on the other side of the brook is a mound, and behind the mound is an open field. Note the "island" of greenery invading the field on the far side, about in line with the quartz and the mound. It turns out that island is another large smeared out stone mound. Also, a 'wall' goes off to the right hand side of the picture, with two large bulges overlooking this small bend in the brook.


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    There are some pretty good size walls visible in the area on Google Earth, go to imagery dated 4/29/2005.

  2. All I see is trees

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    .5 miles and .7 miles north of the Church parking lot are two [pretty cleasr walls both crossing the creek, but you have to go to the imagery dated 4/29/3005, otherwise it is all trees. East of Sheldon Pond .35 miles are two clear walls. Now, how old they are I cannot say, but my guess is they look like the one in your photos.

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    that should be 4/29/2005 of course!

  5. Who is this helpful "Anonymous"?

  6. Neat!. I am going to post some aerials from there.
