Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Buck Hill, from the south

As I climbed and got higher up on this hill in northern Fitchburg, I started seeing a particular geology of flat rocks (we are one hill over from "Flat Rock Hill") stacked up in outcrops that I was mistaking for rock piles. I wish I took a picture because I dismissed them and dismissed them until they became real rock piles near the (southern) summit.
Some panoramas:
 An interesting space and interesting shaped piles:
There was another cluster of a few more piles, further up the hill:
There was another cluster over on the east side, at about the same elevation on the hill as the other clusters. But first....the summit. TA DAH!
As my friend from Carlisle says: looks like a good place for dancing:
Mt Wachusett in the background. It's shape is somewhat imitated by the rock in the foreground. 

Then, over east, at about the same elevation were some other piles like the first, integrated into the outcrops:
And that was about it. I was looking for the usual mounds but did not find them. Nor are these piles obviously marker piles. Still, I have a hard time not seeing them as part of what is going on at so many of the other hills around here. No reason why Buck Hill would be different. It does have a fine view. There was another rock pile site, at the northern foot of the hill.


  1. Referring to comments to an earlier post: So there, mean old lady!

  2. A piece of wooded land between Sheldon and McIntyre Roads has an amazing cairn field of small to medium rock piles made of broken ledge. It's an amazing place.
