Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Final Upton Flowers

Does anyone know the names of these?
A little snapdragon:
A little pink flower I had trouble focusing:
And a similar flower but blue:


  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    The top photo is baptisia, also called false indigo. The second is a campion called pink catchfly, though I heard some call it Malese cross. The bottom photo is biue-eyed grass, a member of the iris family.

  2. Not sure about those first two. The Google images do not match.

  3. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Sorry, I had hoped to redeem myself on a blunder of the fist one; It most certainly is not false indigo. My best guess is some sort of native lobelia. Try Ragged Robin for the second.

  4. Yes those seem right. Thanks.

  5. Hi! Haven't checked in here for a while, but stopping by, saw these flowers. Lucky you, to see these on your walks! My only suggestion would be to have a look at blue toadflax, Linaria canadensis, for the last one. Close resemblance to the lobelias, but I think that's what you have there. Haven't seen those in years.They're related to butter-and-eggs, and both are sometimes called wild snapdragon.
