Thursday, May 31, 2012

A little birdie told me...

The first in a perhaps continuing series: I was phoning around about other matters (Pratt Hill) and several of the people I talked with had interesting unrelated stories to tell. I should phone around more often. So "A little birdie told me..." will be code for the latest gossip.

Ken Leonard told me that language has been introduced into the standard Conservation Restriction ("CR") documentation (the "boilerplate") in Massachusetts that gives stone structures similar protection to wetlands - if I understand that correctly. Congratulations Ken!

Linda McElroy from the Acton Land Stewards reports a small vandalism at the rock pile site we cleared along one of the trails at Nashoba Brook Conservation Land. Someone built a couple of those increasingly ubiquitous vertical rock stacks using material from one of the piles there. Hopefully the rocks were put back where they belong as quickly as possible.

Several people tell me Pratt Hill is now officially part of a district (which includes the Upton Chamber) eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Sites. They say this is a first, except I think Turner's Falls precedes it.

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