Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pile on Piles

Norman Muller writes:
The recent discussion of piles on piles made me think of a double stone pile in TN, with a newer pile constructed on top of an older one. I equate this with the appearance of Manitou or marker stones at one end of a large stone mound, or similar stones placed against a stone row, such as the one I photographed in Milford, PA. At this last site, I photographed two different Manitou stones leaning against the row. The triangular stone found on the cairn in the photo by Kathy could be interpreted as an act of veneration of a much older manmade feature, as I believe are the examples in the two illustrations.


  1. I have to agree that the upper part of the "pile on pile" looks much newer. I am remembering several other examples posted here in the past. Something in southeastern NY.

  2. ...(adding) If it was clear that more recent tribes created new structures on top of older ones it would explain a lot. For example those beautifully fresh "Queens Fort"-syle piles from JimP and LarryH would fit into a context that also includes older material that the modern Indians do not understand.

  3. I found a second "pile on pile" at this same, NY site back in April. I haven't posted pictures yet. There is also a somewhat decrepit pile with use of white (not quartz, though ... maybe feldspar) and possible standing stones. This is between the Susquehanna and Delaware River watersheds. Possible solstice alignments also exist at this site.
