Friday, July 06, 2012

Flume Pond - another small Falmouth site

Part of the great Beebe Woods continuum, this new piece of "Falmouth 300 Committee" conservation land is over on the water side of Sippewisset Rd. I followed a path next to a stone wall. The wall looked particularly "Indian": forming acute angles, ending at boulders, bending and dipping into a wet place, low and single course.
After a moment there were rock piles next to the trail:And going off trail, there were about 10 or so. Some were damaged - cobbles scattered around a support boulder. Others were still in decent shape.
This was a pretty little white oak woods, next to a salt marsh and a fresh (?) water pond.
I suspect the reason for rock piles in these woods, is that the presence of fresh water ponds made this the best place to cross land between Buzzards Bay and Martha's Vineyard Sound. I would not want to take a canoe through the dangerous currents of Woods Hole.
What kind of site is this? It has a little bit of the feel of a marker pile site. I did not see quartz in use. There was one large boulder at the edge of the site. Very similar to the sites on the inland side of the road.
Nice of the "committee" to set aside this land and carve a path to the rock piles, directly though the bull briar.


  1. Two of those boulders look sort of "bowl-like," as if the cobbles are placed in a kind of depression in the big stone...
