Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stone Spiral on Martha's Vineyard

This Google Earth view of a Stone Spiral on Martha's Vineyard was sent to me from my friend Dave C:
Is it Modern? Is it Ancient? I can answer that very quickly: "I don't know."

A Bing View: http://binged.it/NdqDMh

And while I was posting the above, dc sent me this one below:

"Went to the highest point on the Vineyard, Peaked Hill, and found this BFR (big freaking rock), about 30 feet across." - dc. (A Split Boulder???)


  1. I tend towards thinking it is modern. I have seen several sketchy spirals that seemed "real" at the time. But this one is so careful and neat and much larger.

  2. Norman was willing to bet "half of his house" that the spiral was modern - but he didn't say which half, so I didn't take him up on it. I'm willing to accept contributions to pay the travel expenses to check it out on the ground - see if that BFR is split too also...

  3. The good news is that it is all located on conservation land.

  4. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Probably some ex hippies from the 60's who made a ton of money and moved to the Vineyard built it to explore their Druid roots! :~(
