Sunday, August 05, 2012

Moosup,CT-Porter Pond Rd.-(Cairns)

More from Steve:
This is the second area where we located numerous cairns of considerable expertise in the way in which they were made or constructed. Again, no field clearing here, I suspect???
In pics 042-046, we see this cairn at the bottom of this small ravine pointing upward towards the main body of cairns and other stones on the hill above.In pics 047-053, we see a large cairn about 10 feet long and 6 feet wide, using an oval stone as a base with smaller stones on top and many other smaller stones pointing downward.
A very interesting cairn. However between these 2 cairns is the main work of art in cairns, which will be shown [next]

This stone is resting upon another stone and is facing 303* True and next to it is another flat stone that appears to be resting on another stone, too. In pics 054, 055, 064, 065, 071 and 072, we can see both stones from differing angles and how they are within this zone of importance.
Pics 056, 057, 058, 060, 063, 067, 068, 069 and 070 are of this beautifully formed or constructed cairn that just seems to grab one's imagination as to having a definite purpose!! What is it??? Again, this is part of the second area within which we located cairns and stones in close proximity to one another.
[Steve also writes]
Here is the last one for you!! [3 cairns]
which are very close to one another, probably within 50 feet of one another, you have 3 very defined and constructed cairns of medium size. I hope from these pics you may see something that strikes your eye as to who may have constructed them and for what reason!!! This is still part of that second area of discovery for us.

1 comment :

  1. In the one that "grabs the imagination" there is a boulder next to it. Like Tim, I see things in these pictures and this boulder, to me, looks like forming a gateway with the pile and the space in between.
