Friday, August 03, 2012

All we found today were cairns....Moosup,CT-Porter Pond Rd - Large cairn with circular depression

More from reader Steve:
My brother and I had another good [walk] in CT. We were on Porter Pond Road in Moosup, CT. on the pond side. We covered about 1/2 of that area on the pond side. We went in on the Porter Pond Rd. side and ended up coming out on Great Swamp Rd. We found very few stone walls of any size and even the ones we found we small ones less than 200 feet long and usually much smaller. However, we only located a few of them at the onset right off the road.
All we found today were cairns; one large one which you can see in pic 001 as being 24 X 22 X 5( in some places), but the average height was about 3 feet, I guess. Not sure what the circular depression in this large stone pile means nor what that indentation that faces True North is all about either. However, this began an area loaded with beautifully formed cairns There had to be a minimum of 8-10 in the immediate area of this large cairn and a maximum of 15-20 that were a little spread out mainly to the East and South of this large one.
This first email is of this large cairn only with 5 more emails of the other cairns to follow. Please forgive me for the number of pics which I will send to you. I only send this many because it is important for you to see all sides of any item that we may send to you so that you can get the absolute picture of what is being shown to you, thereby allowing both you and Mary to make the best possible judgment of what it is you are viewing here!

1 comment :

  1. Thank you for noticing and describing the circular depression. These are common for large mounds. I strongly believe that it is part of the pile's original design and probably represents a collapsed inner chamber.
