Friday, September 21, 2012

"Cairns: Messengers in Stone"

The author David Williams writes:

Greetings from Seattle. In mid-July you were kind enough to mention a blog post I wrote about Building a Mile High Cairn. [see here - PWAX]

I am writing now because I thought that you and the readers of the Rock Piles blog might be interested in my new book--Cairns: Messengers in Stone, which weaves together the cultural and and natural history of cairns from around the world. Chapters include the geology and ecology of cairns, burial cairns in Scotland, cairns on expeditions, and stone stacks. Part history, part folklore, part natural history, my book shows that cairns are more than a random pile of rocks, they provide habitat for plants and animals, a means of communication, and guides for travelers worldwide. For more info, you can go to the cairns page on my website.

Cairns is available at independent bookstores and on Amazon.


  1. He must mean "you" as a collective kind of you...

  2. Thanks for posting this. And, yes, the collective you...
