Sunday, October 14, 2012

Back from Belize

Where do I start to tell you about an incredible experience that almost feels as if I dreamed it? 
I had all these choices of Maya sites to visit in Belize, Lamania and all the rest on the mainland, but instead I called Jan Brown, pictured below, and visited a relatively undeveloped Maya site called Marcos Gonzalez Archaeological Reserve, about four or five miles south of the hotel my wife Roberta and I stayed at on Amergris Caye.  
The site - the National Park, I should say - is a human made mound, with other mounds on it, combinations of stones of many types, shells of many types and an endless array of artifacts that I walked on with every single step I took, fragments of pottery and projectile points, pieces of jewelry and human bones that bound together the "black dirt" called Anthrosol.
Here's the official website for more info - I just wanna post a photo or two for now:
(A Google search will bring you (and I) more information if you like, but for now, here's some photos:)
(Jan points out the first of many human bones to me above, and a close up is below...)
And then I went back the next day, a day that I had the entire National Park to myself, with the exception of the only employee, Jacob, the 22 year old caretaker who has been working at the site for 10 years...

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