Monday, October 01, 2012

Blackstone Valley Heritage Park Rock Piles

Reader Greg S. writes:
We were unsure of what we found, as they certainly weren’t stone wall remnants. but when we returned to the visitor center and questioned the Ranger, he was surprised we found them, telling us that they believed them to be these sacred rock piles.  I’d never heard anything like that at all.  In the same area were some large boulders with interesting seams of quartz, the ranger mentioned that they might have had a significance to the natives as well.

Here are the rest of the photos, with a few of the park and area itself including one of the two remaining Blackstone Canal locks.!17525&authkey=!ABNH9cijQtP_R4A


  1. Nice to hear the rangers are in the loop.

  2. There's a "Single Stone (head and carapace anyway) Turtle" in there, photo #8...
