Friday, November 16, 2012

Dec 8 - Stone pile field trip

Hi rock pile folks,

I wanted to invite anyone from the rock pile gang to partake in this one day symposium I'm putting together in Catskill NY

" Unknown Origins of the Engineered Stone Landscape in the Catskill Area and Beyond"
Saturday December 8th  Site Tour at noon..... by a moderated Round Table  Discussion possibly live on WGXC  7-9 pm that nite at Crossroads Brewery in Athens NY.

If I could ask you to pass this message on to any other  rock hunters  who might be interested,This would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts,

Matt Bua


  1. Sometimes I wish it was a "gang". We could go around mugging state historic officers (C:#

  2. Pwax- the gang is amassing as we speak!

  3. Wish I could attend. Good luck!
