Wednesday, November 21, 2012

More about PA sites...

...from reader Kim:
Here are some more photos of the third site in Price Twp. We took them from the road. There is a small hill coming down to the road, but no water. Water was diverted to the reservoir years ago, but I don’t think this area was affected.
The second site in Middle Smithfield Twp. is in a swamp. The first site has steep hills on both sides.
Norman Muller writes about this:
 In comparison with the spectacular cairns in Middle Smithfield, PA, I am attaching examples from the Hallstead site in northern PA, near the NY border, and another example from Washington, MA.  The latter has a niche at the bottom and a quartz cobble on top.
In a further email he writes:
Going through my pictures of the Hallstead cairns, I came across this image which seems to show one or two possible Manitou stones leaning against the cairn in the background, and perhaps one against the cairn in the foreground, to the right.   Your reader from PA should take special notice of these in his or her explorations. 

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