Friday, November 09, 2012

More West Ashby Rd

With reference to here where I mentioned stepping into the woods. This time, I headed west to explore one more head water of Falulah Brook. To no general avail; but I did pass a couple minor things on the first little hilltop before the wetland.
As I crossed a wall, I noticed some jumbled stuff along the far side. I did not pay too much attention since a little field clearing might push rocks up against a wall this way - I guess.

Looking back: 
I did go around the top of the wetland and get up the last small hill there but did not see anything definitive - maybe a cluster of rocks that could have been something but not enough to want to photo it.

Interestingly, on the way back from this unsuccessful exploration, the only thing I noticed were another couple of rock piles, built against a wall.
Then looking across the wall, it turned out to be the same place as before - but an adjacent wall. There was a substantial wall bulge as well.
This clustering of features seems significant, at the top of a low hill as it was, at a Falulah Brook head water. In the end, this serves as the exploration's result.

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