Thursday, November 08, 2012

West Ashby Rd in Fitchburg

I may have written about this road before. Going south from Ringe Rd, you cross Falulah Brook with stone mounds all around - if you could only see them. But you can't because of the bushes. And then you go up a steep hill after which it levels off. One of my typical explorations starts 1/2 way up the hill, where I step into the woods on foot. But coming back disappointed (or not) I never drove further south on the road. 
It turns out that, just at the crest where the road levels out, there are two or three large mounds on the right on what appears to be private property. Here is a view from the road:
If you head a few hundred yards still further south on West Ashby Rd, this appears on the  right:
This is not a rectangular mound but more of a triangular one. 
 One corner is extended into a fat tail:
With a nice piece of quartz in the middle:
There was a second structure adjacent to this; more strewn out along the edge of the flat area - in the kind of location one could expect from field clearing.
But I don't think so.

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