Saturday, December 22, 2012

Checking some other places on Blood Hill

Went back with great expectations but saw very few things. In the gully that descends in the opposite direction from the saddle described here, I saw one interesting feature: a small circle of rocks with a larger "head". 
It might be worth brushing off the leaves from some of the rocks outside the circle.

On what seemed to be a northwest facing buttress of the hill there was a lone pile with spaces in it and see-through holes:
Lastly, a small something next to the trail (the one joining main and south-east summits):
So now, enough of Blood Hill. There is still much to explore in that part of Ashby/Ashburnham and I hope I'll take advantage of continued good weather, easy walking, and a Christmas vacation to explore there soon.

1 comment :

  1. That circle with a head would get lots of "oohs" and "aahs" if it appeared at Bannock Point.
