Monday, December 03, 2012

East of Sawmill Pond

Here is a 4th cluster of rock piles from the slope east of this pond in Fitchburg/Leominster.  I blogged about the area most recently here and here but also earlier in the October here. I was on my way back from visiting a high point (north of earlier), not too far from that town corner stone, and saw a lovely place:
 Some other views:
Above this cluster of piles was a boulder (visible in 1st picture) covered with smaller rocks.
This manifests one aesthetic ideal: to find rock piles poking out from the laurel leaves:
Here is what looks like an old footpath passing through, past a couple of older piles: 
Closeups of these two piles:
And then on, across the slope, to another sub-cluster with fresher, newer looking piles:
These are of the triangular, vertical sided, type one sees on a slope - usually somewhat evenly spaced. (I think of them as calendrical.)
And they continue...
...up the hill to another pile with white feldspar (many of the piles had such, but not much quartz):

Here is a suggestive construct: a slit lined up with another pile:
It was, perhaps, the nicest of them:
Another view:
And we look down on another boulder with a scatter of smaller rocks on top of it. Let me propose that these boulders have a different function than the vertical sided piles
 Surely this was selected for its peculiar appearance:
A last look. Wouldn't it be cool to spot this walking through the woods?

1 comment :

  1. For what it is worth: The last two weeks include posts about Nobscott Hill and Henry's Hill. I regard those sites as examples of the same kind of function we see here east of Sawmill Pond. It is the most common kind of rock pile site, in my opinion.
