Monday, February 04, 2013

The Nolumbeka Project

A letter from from Nolumbeka Project, Inc:
Dear Friends,
We, the Board of Directors of the Nolumbeka Project, Inc. are pleased to announce that we are now the caretakers of the forty-one acre Wissatinnewag property in Greenfield, MA. The Friends of Wissatinnewag blended into the Nolumbeka Project and the deed to the property was transferred from the Friends of Wissatinnewag, Inc. to the Nolumbeka Project, Inc.  We are eager to move forward on several short and long term projects and welcome your support.

The Nolumbeka Project, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, incorporated in 2009, dedicated to the preservation of the history of Native Americans/American Indians of New England through educational programs, art, history, music, heritage seed preservation and cultural events. We are actively building, maintaining and expanding an historical archive research library for use by the Tribes and Educators of the Northeast. This project has received funding from Credit Data Services, Inc. at Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts.

We define as our mission: to promote a deeper, broader and more accurate depiction of the history of the Native Americans/ American Indians of New England before and during European contact and colonization; to protect and preserve sites sacred to, and of historic value to, the Native Americans/ American Indians of New England; to create and promote related educational opportunities, preservation projects and cultural events; and to work in partnership, as much as possible, with the tribes.

We will strive to exemplify the Native American/ American Indian peoples’ respect for Mother Earth and all living beings; to be mindful of our role as caretakers for future generations; and to honor our connection to the Earth and Sky and to the Creator

[deleted text]

Many of you are past supporters of Friends of Wissatinnewag and we sincerely hope you have an interest in becoming involved with us. We welcome you and all newcomers to help us build a strong and viable organization. Please share this news with friends and associates whom you think might also be interested. Whatever your current status and level of interest, please contact us at and let us know whether or not you want to remain on our e-mailing list. We will continue to send messages to keep everyone up to date on our activities.

We have a website under construction at  and welcome you to visit it now and in the future, as we have substantial information to add. You can also email us at 

Joe Graveline, President, Howard Clark, Clerk, Doug Harris, Preservationist for Ceremonial Landscapes with the Narragansett Indian Tribal Historic Preservation Office and Board members Diane Dix, Pamela Kelly, Shirley Majewski, Skye Dix Wellington, and Ted Wirt



  2. Thanks. I fixed it.

  3. I was asked to edit the original announcement to remove the over broad claim of partnership with the Narragansett. Leaving here what was deleted:
    The Narragansett Indian Tribal Historic Preservation Office (NITHPO) is a designated office of the Narragansett Indian Tribe. NITHPO is authorized to determine all matters on behalf of the Tribe with respect to historic preservation, Indian graves' protection, and religious freedom and other relevant cultural matters. They strive to protect their ancestors' memories, histories, and living places. Their respect, duty, and obligations to their ancestors will forever exist and remain in the minds of their people.

    NITHPO and the Tribe view archaeological sites not as just archaeological sites but as finite, fragile, and unrenewable cultural resources. Any study or construction project that involves the excavation of sediments or the alteration of a resource produces an irreversible effect on the area. Performance standards and procedures are administered by the NITHPO office to ensure that archaeological studies are done properly and do not inadvertently result in the loss of cultural resources through excavation or the removal of unburied cultural materials. You can learn more about NITHPO by going to their website at
