Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Turtle on Mt Yonah -- North Ga

[more re turtle shaped rocks] Reader N. Durrett:
I work full time and am in school, but when I can, I find time to go wander around and look for things like this.  I found these on Mount Yonah a couple months back and went back today to look around.  The cut-away chamber structure is really something.  There are aperture-like holes going through it both lengthwise and across, and also from top to bottom.  On the top is a straight, rectilineal segment that leads all the way along its flat top from the edge to an opening that goes all the way down to the ground level -- like a chimney.  The other picture looks so much like a turtle that I can't convince myself it's not.  At the very least, the stone appears to have been split, carved and texturized by something other than nature.
[Update - he continues:]
I think Mt Yonah is one of the best places in Georgia to look for such signs of human activity.  It is the nearest high point in relation to the Sautee-Nacoochee Valley.  Not only is it a high point, but it is also an unusual mountain in that there are prominent cliffs visible near the top which give it a salience that other nearby mountains covered only in trees lack.  The Sautee-Nacoochee Valley is the first floodplain valley encountered at the southern terminus of the Appalachians.  It is the location of the junction of two ancient hunting trails- the Unicoi and Rabun, and as such, has been a locus for human activity for as long as there have been humans in this land.  Numerous Clovis points have been found in the valley and there are a number of mounds in the valley still in existence, both of which have been studied- the Kenimer Mound, and the Nacoochee Mound.  So knowing that, it's only natural to assume that in its 10000 year near-proximity to larger than normal populations of humans, many unknown thousands or more have ascended the mountain for many reasons, ceremonial being the main ones for which to leave permanent signs or marks within or on the rock features of the mountain.  Thought of like this-in ten thousand plus years, any given point on the mountain has probably witnessed every type of human activity to which we assign high levels of meaning- birth, death, murder, sex, betrayal, worship, etc.-- perhaps many times over.  And unlike Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, it has not been systematically quarried, carved, owned, etc., so that in the many boulder fields and cliffs that remain, any rock we see that has irregularities not apparently due to natural processes must be assumed to have human causes.  And when I walk around on it and look at its elements with this ethos guiding the way in which I see them, then I see meaning in its every detail.  This is dangerous and can lead to false discoveries, but it also leads to a sense of wonder, magic, and continuity with the past that one could or should feel during all the moments of his or her waking/thinking life.  I think that this fascination of ours is mainly just an extension of our spiritual search for meaning in a rationally meaningless world.
[Update: new picture]

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