Monday, May 13, 2013

A reader asks about rock piles on her property

Reader Jane writes:
I am sending some photos of the piles. The first 3 photos shows the larger of the two and is about 15 feet in diameter, about 4 feet high on the lower end and about 2 feet on the upper side of the hill that it is on.
The last 3 photos are of the smaller one ............. about 12 feet in diameter and more uniform in height at about 3 feet as it is on more level ground. They are within several hundred feet of each other. There are stone walls on the property so we found it odd to see these two circular stone piles.

I didn't know quite how to find out about them and luckily found your site. I took these pictures last week when my husband and I were in the woods to look at trees to be cut. I ended up with an ER run that night as I picked up a deer tick .......... most likely on that first rock pile as I pulled branches, etc. from it to get a better photo which I didn't do with the second one. It would sure seem to make those photos and that ER run worthwhile if we have stumbled onto something!!
Whatever information you would like to share with others is fine. I live in Pittsfield and just found this ...........


  1. I have seen piles like the first one which, in the end I decided were from field clearing. In that case I had several examples. But the second pile here seems more Native American. So I am not sure. Was there hollow on top of that first one?

  2. If the interior of the piles are filled with fist-sized stones or smaller, then it is possible the piles are Native American. Similar looking piles are found in Vermont.

  3. Jane Woodruff7:41 PM

    Thanks for your comments. I shall look more closely at the rocks and try to better describe them and the surface of the top.
