Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fort Devens Stone Wall Map - online


  1. I cannot figure out how to give you a higher resolution version of this map. It is limited by the memory usage of my cut-and-paste clipboard. I have the PDF from friend.

  2. You may want to use a convervter
    from PDF to TIFF file.
    Excellent finds !

  3. Jonathan B.9:51 AM

    The Library of Congress has a copy.
    It may not be in great shape judging by the description. Drawn in 1924. Call # is:
    G3764.F55 1924 .U5 Oversize
    Looks like it may be downloaded as a MARC file?

  4. I have a hi-res PDF. The problem is displaying the image on a blog or as a clickable link to the image.

    If it could be hosted somewhere, I could make a link to the PDF.

  5. Jonathan B.9:56 AM

    I would certainly like to see a better copy of that map. I think we could also take the file to a copy shop and get them to print it. I know I've done that before at the one on Sudbury Rd.(Concord)with some of my past projects.

  6. I have the map, copies of it, and a hi res PDF of it. What I need is somone to host the file on the web: A URL with space available for data storage.

  7. I've got space. Email sent.
