Monday, August 19, 2013

Fall Brook - Stirling

Took a short walk on the west side of Fall Brook, off Wachusett Str. in Stirling. The eastern foot of Rocky Hill. I've seen sites along in there before (thicker blue outline), and found scattered rock piles all along in there this time (thinner blue outline).
The hillside is leaking water, and the piles tend to occur next to springs(sorry about bad photos in the forest depths).
Here for example was a wall ending in a quartz manitou stone:
Here, you can see the spring directly adjacent.
Of course I did find some traces of piles with hollows and tails. It does not look like much, a couple of groups of rocks, with a space between:
 From the other end, there is a little "tail" in the foreground:
It is actually a good sized mound:
And there were a few other good sized mounds (~15' long), hidden away there in the ferns.
You would have to look pretty hard to spot these things. 
Plenty more woods to explore in there. There is a "blue spot" trail, suggesting it is conservation land [but it is not marked as such on my maps], and I did not get anywhere near the main hill.

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