Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Shoreline Geenway Trail Part 2

"Missing from this history is an account of the pre-contact history of the Native American people who lived here prior to (and well after) Dutch exploration and English settlement. In truth, their history is, of course, just as real and important as the history of any other groups of peoples. So, herewith are the facts as we know them of the first people who inhabited this region...According to a field report by Tom Paul of the New England Antiquities Research Association, many pre-colonial (and probably native-built) stone structures exist in the upper Summer Hill Road area in Madison, in the northern part of town on the eastern border of Killingworth and the Hammonasset Reservoir, in the area occupied by the Hammonassets before the colonial period."                                                                                                                  ~
(I was looking for the origin of the name "Signal Hill" in Madison CT when I found the above quote. It's refreshing to see the Pre-Contact History of Native American People mentioned as being important in a town history - and a mention of Native Built Stone Structures. Tom Paul is mentioned, and NEARA as well. One of my favorite all time photos of a Turtle Stone Mound is one that Norman Mueller took of it, after it was shown to him by Tom Paul. It would seem there are more Native Built Stone Structures on the south side of Madison as well, just south of the Old Indian Trail that became the Boston Post Road...)
The Shoreline Geenway Trail Saga continues:

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