Friday, September 13, 2013

NEMBA Casino Site

I hear the land east of 85 and northeast of 495 (just where they cross in Milford) is slated for development of a casino. I thought I would go have a look tomorrow. If there are ceremonial sites there they may not know about them. Looking at access points on Google Maps, is this encouraging?


  1. I suspect you'll find alot of Mountain Bike Disruptions! Thrill riders trashing Pious Intentions in Stone...

  2. Lots of youTube videos like this:

  3. Looks like a good area to explore, particularly away from the power lines. Bing maps show interesting detail.

  4. Hmm. I wonder what damage the mountain bikers have done to this area. They seem to go all over the place. Trails seem optional.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    The area is chock a block with stone rows.

    Dave C.

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Yes, aka Vietnam. Some part of that is owned by NEMBA some is not, the casino (ugh) might eat away at a bit of it.

  7. News flash: there are ceremonial sites near the middle of the planned casino development.

  8. I have walked up there, early in the summer. In the area to the right of the powerline, on the bluff overlooking I-495, there are 3 nice stone piles (unfortunately I didn't bring my camera with me!), as well as evidence of stone quarrying. In the woods to the left of the powerline I didn't see anything. But this location is rather close to Rocky Woods, which is a really important ceremonial site, explored by Bruce MacAleer.

  9. Bruce M4:45 PM

    Peter, I've taken you to that area before, maybe in 2006 or 2007, and there are lots of piles there. I believe Fafard Development owns some of that land and has likely since built some homes and possibly already destroyed what I showed you. If you follow the power lines north from route 16 as you go up the first hill look to your right for a perched boulder. Down the hill to your right from this boulder is a large site. As I said, this may have already been destroyed.
