Monday, November 11, 2013

The Nolumbeka Project - Invitation to the Full Moon Gathering

Greetings from the Nolumbeka Project, a non-profit Native American advocacy organization based in Greenfield, MA. Please join us on Saturday, November 16, for the Beaver Moon Gathering at Great Falls, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Discovery Center, 2 Avenue A in Turners Falls, MA. This celebration will offer a variety of Native American crafts for sale and music by Abenaki flute player Barry Higgins, Strong Oak and the Visioning B.E.A.R. Drum Singers, the Medicine Mammals Singers, and songwriter/guitarist Joe Graveline. There will be children’s activities, refreshments, stone tool and primitive fire making demonstrations with Wolf Tree Programs and a traditional gardens exhibit. At 2 p.m. we will be drawing tickets for a raffle of donated gifts including exquisite jewelry, a moose hide frame drum created especially for the raffle by Strong Oak, and other unique gifts and gift certificates. You will find more information at

The Nolumbeka Project, Inc. is dedicated to the preservation of the history of the Native Americans of New England through educational programs, art, history, music, heritage seed preservation and cultural events. We are the current stewards of the last undeveloped piece of Wissatinnewag. Wissatinnewag, the Algonquin word for “shining hill”, was the name of the village located on both sides of the Connecticut River where Native American peoples from all around the northeast gathered in peace at different times of the year to share Nature’s bounty at the Great Falls..

We are in the midst of a fundraising drive. We currently have significant legal expenses connected to our recent attempts to preserve a known Native American burial site. We continue to build our archival research library and are beginning exploration of seven miles of the riverbanks on both sides of the river near the site. We seek volunteers for all aspects of our work, including the ongoing attempt to restore Wissatinnewag.

P.S.  We are participating in Valley Gives.  At any time from November 15 through December 12, please go to, find THE NOLUMBEKA PROJECT, INC. page, and hit donate!

Thank you from the Nolumbeka Project Board:  Joe Graveline, president; Howard Clark, clerk; Diane Dix, vice-president; Pat Allen; David Brule; Pam Kelly; Shirley Majewski, Skye Dix Wellington and Ted Wirt
The Nolumbeka Project, 88 Columbus Ave., Greenfield MA 01301

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