Monday, February 10, 2014

Great Falls Movie Announcement from the Nolumbeka Project

We hope you will join us at the Great Falls Discovery Center, 2 Ave. A
in Turners Falls next Saturday. Doors open at 11 a.m., movie at 11:45
a.m. More details are posted on our website,
Admission is free and refreshments will be on sale.

We have been the deed holder and stewards of the Wissatinnewag
property for one year. We are now deeply involved with a number of
important projects and programs, details of which you can see at Check out past issues as well, to get a
full picture of all that has transpired.

We are seeking volunteers to help with our many activities. Even if
you cannot attend on Saturday, we invite you to contact us through
this e-mail address to let us know of your willingness to help and
your areas of interest and expertise.


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