Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dogwood Lane Sites

From Curt Hoffman:
In going through the information on Massachusetts sites at the NEARA Archive, I found a listing for a “Dogwood Road” site in Ashland, with no accompanying information except a site location.   Since this is my home town – but GoogleMaps lists no such street there --  I decided to have a look yesterday.  It turns out that the site is located at the end of Dogwood Lane, in Hopkinton State Park (but in Ashland).  While the snow was deep enough that I didn’t want to get closer to the site, I did take some pictures from the road.  There is a stone row, with what appear to be a couple of large piles, and on the far side there is a split boulder.  The latter was half-full of snow, so I don’t know whether it has any rocks filling it.  I plan to return there once the snow clears to check!

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Curt, I walk that area all the time and may be able to provide further insight on sites near where you were (once the glacier retreats, that is). You can e-mail me at
