Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stone pile with lintel and opening from Southeastern CT

Reader Jame B writes:
Hi, I live in Southeastern CT, I was hiking on one of my local trails and went exploring off the trail a little bit and found this structure. I was wondering if you had any idea what this may have been. It is about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. The top of it is open and the front of it has a flat stone horizontally placed with an opening in the front. The back is enclosed by small stones. There are no other rock piles or structures within a good distance from this area. There are colonial homesites in this area but no closer than two miles. I do not believe it is colonial. I attached some pictures. I was just wondering if you have any idea what it is, any info would be appreciated.

[PWAX - we have seen such things before. For example here and here]


  1. Would you be willing to provide me with information on where this site is located? I am conducting an inventory of sites with stone constructions like this throughout the eastern seaboard. If you want to keep this private you can send it to my e-mail address at

  2. Looks like a modified version of a pedestaled boulder. I'd be interested in seeing this. Peter can provide you with my email address.
