Friday, April 18, 2014

Bladen's Brook, Woodbridge CT - (a little preview)

Peter was talking about it here: “Game on!” {} and circumstance brought me by the preserve on Thursday (4/17/14), with some time to stop and look around. And I'll cut to the Rock Pile Chase here - I spotted only one rather large Rock Pile and just one other smaller one which was a little bit of a surprise, knowing that on the next hill south of here you can’t swing a cat without hitting a Stone Pile - and it does not have to be a cat with a particularly long tail.
Large Rock Pile (Stone Mound), possibly on Bedrock above, the smaller below. 
And this seemed rather modern looking:

        It was the remnants of the mostly linear rows of artistically stacked stones, cobbles and boulders, most likely Indigenous in origin, that turned out to be the most interesting features. In fact, they are featured on the PDF Trail Map here:
This blue outline is about the extent of where I walked and took photos:
At Sanford Roadside:
"Way UP on the top:"
Over an outcrop...
...then a 90 degree turn up and into an outcrop...
...and one of those situations where natural and human enhanced combine.
Another interesting sight (or site):

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