Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Old Baird Road Rock Pile

Watertown CT - the surveyor's tape complicates this one, at the edge of an old apple orchard. I think I see lots of re-built linear walls in the area, but I also came across a carefully made zigzag row of stones with chestnut rails rotting away on top of them, sort of the reverse of rails first and stones tossed up against them. Most of the photos came out all fuzzy and out of focus so I need to return to capture some good ones...
A certain "point stone" of a segment bears some resemblance to a possible rattlesnake effigy:

A segment of linear row with some possible Indigenous elements, placement to resemble heads and a sort of shelf-like thing going on:
Possible structure of row of stones possibly linking outcroppings on the other (east) side of the old road:
The bird's eye view where linear shows well:,
that's it again in the center of the GE capture:
1991 GE Image of wider area:

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