Saturday, October 11, 2014

...I was just saying...

(coming up)
Update: I have been thinking about how this pile is very overgrown. Not only that. It also has  an unusual style, with steep sides, a domed top, and no hollow. Finally it has an oval outline. Taken together these are unusual style characteristics and there is no reason to decouple them (at least not at first) from the amount of deposited plant debris.
This is not a common thing, maybe a bit like this.
This pile is only a few feet from several of the more typical rectangular "mounds"; and they had little or no debris on them. I wonder if maybe this one is old?


  1. Peter -
    Is this a stone or an earthen mound? Where is it located?

  2. Stone. Stay tuned re the location.

  3. sorry, don't mean to be coy. It is one of the ultimate headwaters of Falulah Brook in southern Ashby, a moment to the right of the Fitchburg Reservoir. I'll publish details.

  4. OK, as in the map you put up a few days ago?
