Monday, November 24, 2014

More re the "Lost Valley" and northernmost Townsend State Forest - part 1

As I mentioned earlier, I never got far into the Lost Valley of Mason NH. I did have an interesting walk in Townsend to the south before getting bogged down there. 
Since Curt H. indicated an interest in the Nissitisset watershed, let me mention up-front that for the most part, interesting things I saw stopped exactly at the watershed divide/state line. None of it was in the Nissitisset watershed. Across the line, in the same saddle which separates the Sqannacook to the south from the Nissitisset to the north, there was almost nothing except a few short stretches of stone wall. Perhaps these are of interesting being older more beaten down than other walls a few feet to the south in Townsend. 
So here were are in northern Townsend, having parked at the southernmost navigable portion of W. Hill Mason, NH. A few steps to the south and another old dirt road opens to the left, heading east. Some old house foundations and stone piles I did not understand:
In this photo we are looking back towards the west. A moment later I spotted a low pile on the left (south) side of the same stretch of road. The piles are easy to miss.

This is actually a pretty good sized pile, if you imagine what is underneath the leaves:

These are a bit like marker piles (evenly spaced, lines, etc) and I have learned to anticipate finding something more "mound like", often messier, to one side of such collections. So I went looking. Found this:
 And this (we are looking across the wall at a larger pile):
Here's one for Norman M.
There is a faint slope here and a bit of a wetland not shown on the topo map. 
Another couple steps and - man! - did these guys know how to dress stone:
So in a total area of about three acres we have some foundations with large stone piles, then a smaller "marker pile" site with messy mounds, then this fine stone foundation. Is it fair to say it is probably all the same family? A search of records might be worthwhile. 
That's all for the plateau/hilltop right near the road. Now let's head west down into the saddle separating watersheds. I'll continue in the next post.

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