Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Places of Mystery - near Noon Hill in Medfield (2)

I was exploring another valley up to it's source and saw something peculiar:
Since we are standing here, let me explain that, to the left is what appears to be an artificial trench that drains a vernal pond just above the rise in this picture. We are looking at a rock pile built into the side of the gully and a propped boulder above:
So we walk up there:
There is the propped boulder, with a couple of piles to the left of it and maybe one behind it, to the right in back. Here is one pile behind it:
And a view back towards the propped boulder (hard to make out):
Last look:
This is a but unusual to me. I have seen piles arranged along the sides of artificially drained vernal ponds - (there is one at Minot Pratt Spring in Estabrook Woods, Concord) but no propped boulders. It is a bit like the brook at Triangle Farm Rd.


  1. To me, the rock piles surrounding the impressive propped boulder are there because of the latter's "presence," a term used by Jack Steinbring, a rock art specialist, to denote a feature's numinous characteristics. One could say the rock piles are donations, or commenorative in nature. A good find!

  2. I think this boulder was moved. I did not show the vernal pond there, with its artificial drainage ditch, but I felt that the water was the original "center".

  3. Sydney B,12:02 PM

    Was your sense that the artificial drainage of the vernal pond was colonial agriculture or something else?
    In Harvard there is an odd ditch that drains a vernal pond. The surrounding land is rocky and doesn't look like it would have been plowable, and I would think that a vernal pond would have been desirable for pastured animals.
    I can't make sense of why it would be drained.

  4. I figure it is quite a lot older than colonial (but I do not really know). It was not a clean ditch and seemed to have other old piles buried in it. A puzzling place.
