Sunday, December 07, 2014

Serpent by the Junkyard

     Every once in a while over the years, I stop and take a look at some of the rows of stones along the side of this particular road I use to avoid the traffic of Watertown CT. On this particular day I was returning home from the Waterbury DMV, just after crossing the Naugatuck River.

     I had spotted this little detail above in the stones, parked and followed what looked like a carefully made zigzag covered with a little bit of garbage in many places, but some interesting atypical of field clearing and possibly Indigenous stacking of stones on the row...
(Broken Quartz and maybe a small Manitou Stone)
(Contrasting dark stone segment with trash bags:) 

... eventually turning around where a massive pile of garbage towered above a sweet little hollow with multiple tree stands.

     I headed back south to the road and was going to head back home, but below a massive bulldozed pile of earth and stones and trees and more modern trash (where the Industrial Park begins – or thickens you might say), was a rather tall linear “stone wall” that had escaped destruction. I followed that row of stones downhill, noting some possible Indigenous Elements, a possible turtle or two, some rhomboidal stones, colorful stones including white quartz – but nothing really “spectacular.”

     It got interesting when the row was joined by another smaller row that led to some bedrock outcrops (and/or big partially buried boulders?), below which there was a semi-circular break in the otherwise more or less linear row that I had started with:

     There were other rows of stones visible in places, sometimes following the topography, sometimes not. I could look down toward the bottom at a swampy area, edged with stones, a hint or two of possible rows extending into the swamp, but I didn’t really get into there to explore, my time budget for my “walk or die” health program already shot.
     The plan was a quick getaway, but I could plainly see multiple rows of stones connecting to big boulders, a few with stones piles on them, really much more than a quick look could take in, making my list here quite incomplete…
(I came back to add: In the photo above, the Serpent is in the distance on the far right, just below that inclined line of the roadway...)

    And yes there was a Serpent here, connected to an outcrop, just below the path that became a road, a little modern steep hillside graveyard for items the transfer station down the road might charge for, big heavy old style large screen TVs, mattresses and lots of tires…
(A small enclosed area by the Serpents Head?) 

(Stones stacked along the same outcrop, 100+ feet west:) 
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