Friday, May 29, 2015

Dr. Lavin on Stone Piles (MA & CT)

     Far too messy for Rock Piles, I'll just post a link to some stone pile info gleaned from a paper by my friend Dr. Lucianne Lavin, "Mohican Memorabilia and Manuscripts from the Stockbridge Mission House “Indian Museum: The Persistence of Mohican Culture and Community."
    Of particular interest is the mention of "hollows" in the Monument Mountain Stone Pile: “Ezra Stiles produced a 1762 sketch of a fairly intact mound whose profile shows a decided concavity in its center, suggesting prior “pot-hunting” in the center of the structure for Indian relics.”
{I used some photos of a few "figures" from Eva Butler from my copy of the above Bulletin, which I finally located, which may be of particular interest to Tommy Hudson. I haven't forgotten, Tom.}  


  1. It does not suggest "pot hunting" to me. It suggests an architectural feature.

  2. I agree with Peter. On several sites in Georgia the "hollows" appear to be intentional. I have a reference somewhere of these things being kept clean and "pure" of "profane things." I will have to look it up. Tim, the pamplet looks interesting. Do you have a link to a PDF of it? BTW Peter, thanks for the link to the guy in Kentucky. I will see if I can get him to take pics and mark the site on a map and post to this blog; some basic recording.

  3. I think it is a lady.


  5. Thanks Tim, but it is blurry on my end and could not get it to clear up enough to read.
