Friday, May 15, 2015

Outlet of Rocky Pond - Hollis NH

Just a quick note. I went back to explore the Birch Hill/Rocky Pond area where I have been before [click here] and discovered more piles in one location where previously I saw a few tumbled down rectangles.
This time I realized the place is more extensive with a very nice small rectangular mound on the high points and several very descrepit walls leading to a vernal pond with an artificial outlet - all surrounded by small and broken piles. But the nicest one I saw was a treat:
 another angle:
 another angle:
It had outliers in several directions:

A couple others:

 Note the small rock to the right in this one:
and the "headstone" at the other end of the pile:
Norman frequently comments about 'Manitou Stones' leaning up against a rock pile this way.

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