Monday, June 15, 2015

Solstice Viewing in Boxborough

via Peter Anick at NEARA:

This Sunday morning, June 21, NEARA member George Krusen will host a summer solstice sunrise meeting at a location in Boxboro hypothesized by Byron Dix as a sunrise alignment.  (There is also a winter solstice sunrise alignment here.)   Information here from Sudbury Valley Trustees site:

If you know of other sites to visit for observing possible alignments, send me a message with directions and I will post to the group.  Take photos and videos to test your hypotheses.  As most of you know, the sun will rise/set at roughly the same horizon location throughout the week before and after the actual solstice, so you can check the weather and pick your day(s) to optimize viewing. 

In past years, some of us have gone to Upton Chamber for the sunset (between 7:30 and 8:30pm).  There is foliage but the glint of the sun setting over Pratt Hill can usually be made out from inside the chamber.  You can watch from outside, but if you want to go inside, bring boots in case there is water.

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