Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lonely for rock piles....

...so here are some links
Mound Builders (of Indiana). Note the mounds at the spring leading to the  Elhart River.

Mysteries in Stone (by Glen Kreisberg). Note the comments about circular "cyst" cairns. I think the "circular" versus "rectangular" is an important difference with what we see in MA.

Pretty picture. from here.(Iceland)

...gotta get back to work...


  1. Link to mysteries in stone does not work.....

  2. Link fixed. Thanks Larry.

  3. Thank you for sharing the links, very good and informative information.

  4. Mound Builders (of Indiana) is a monetized blog that belongs to Fritz Zimmerman, a person with White Supremacist affiliations. You contribute money to this person by viewing this website. I've encountered Fritz Zimmerman on social media where he "fishes" for viewers, promotes materials by himself and others etc., including a former head of the American National Socialist Party Joseph "Frank" Collin, whom Zimmerman describes as a personal long-time friend and "a nice guy."And if you follow his links to other people, who also believe that an Aryan "Beeker" Culture spread to other parts of the world raising the intelligence level of inferior humans, you will find the more "hard-core" sites that actually do have images of Hitler on their pathetic hateful websites (If you have ever seen the "research" of Alejandro Vega Ossorio, who continues the pre-WWII anthropological work of the German National Socialist Party, you know what I mean). He also maintains a giant human skeleton site, a Celtic site (the Beekers branched out into Ireland, the present reason that White Supremacists identify each other by Celtic tattoos in the prison system in the USA), a Native American History website and probably more I am unaware of. Please do not support this person or his ilk.

  5. You mean all that stuff isn't true! (just kidding) I also noticed several mentions of "Neffrite" people or some such. Maybe borrowing from the Mormans. I wonder if Frank Joseph (or Collin) is still involved with The Ancient American magazine or Burrows Cave? Thanks for the heads up Tim.

  6. Actually "Nephilim,"literally giant angels. Cotton Mather, who is one of the sources of the myth that Indians didn't build stone walls, make fences, or "bound" - and thus "own" - areas of land, "believed that fossilized leg bones and teeth discovered near Albany, New York, in 1705 were the remains of Nephilim who perished in a great flood. However, paleontologists have identified these as mastodon remains," according to Wikipedia {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nephilim}
    The answer to the second question is "Yes."
    See: http://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/h2-host-scott-wolter-and-former-american-nazi-leader-frank-joseph-speak-at-fringe-history-conference
