Thursday, October 08, 2015

"Hidden Landscapes and Stone Features" (New Preston CT)

   I stepped over a little bit of visible stonewall along the driveway of the Washington Montessori School and took a quick look before, and a longer look after, Lucianne Lavin's talk about "Hidden Landscapes" to see what Stone Features might be hidden behind that curtain of early autumn leaves:
I crossed into a riparian zone bounded by stone walls, short sections of walls here and there, small ground piles of stones and eventually spotted this one from a distance:
This was  on the way closer, heading south, if I remember correctly:
The westerly view:
In the split:
Looking northerly:
Farther along the eastern riparian border as I circled back from another wall of stones farther east (the border of the School property, I think) and headed back up to the parking lot, I spotted a big boulder incorporated into the wall of stones:
The words "Manitou Stone" crossed my mind:

I'm guessing it's a boulder, (but maybe it's an outcrop?) easily eight feet tall above the present level of the soil. I didn't push aside those fallen leaves and sit down there but if I had four or five or six friends, we could all sit there, maybe seven people if we were really good friends.
Dr. Luci's talk was very good, featuring photos of features that fascinated the audience members - especially that Norman Muller photo of the Turtle Petroform - and an audible gasp was heard when she mentioned that several near it would be destroyed for a development project. 
More about it here:

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