Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Jalisco, Mexico 1890-1898

Huichol medicine man,
Stones on a boulder in a grove of trees.
What kind of trees?
What’s growing below the trees and around that stone feature?
Is there an enclosing row of stones, stacked to resemble a surrounding serpent?
Citation: Image Number: 43734 
“Andres Teodorr, Huichol medicine man, Jalisco, 1890-1898,” Lumholtz, Carl, 1851-1922, AMNH Digital Special Collections, accessed November 3, 2015, http://images.library.amnh.org/digital/items/show/27158
Digital Special Collections of the American Museum of Natural History’s Research Library
Stones and more on a boulder,
What else has been placed there?

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