Saturday, January 02, 2016

The Lewis Hollow Site survey (NY)

    I'm not sure that this ever popped up as a post (couldn't find it in a search of the blog), but it does have some water related rock piles (and stone walls etc.) sort of thoughts in it, some good photos, and a bit by Curtis:
“In June 2012, Dr Curtis Hoffman, Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts, conducted a blind survey with Johnson at a nearby site, which Doug Harris, Preservation Office, Narragansett Tribe, recognizes as a traditional sacred northeastern Native American site consisting of stone features which include astronomical alignments. Hoffman did not provide Johnson with any information regarding the site. Hoffman comments in his discussion of the blind survey that Johnson was able to find the site and that “I would say that this was a good confirmation of his method.” His report is included below…
    Both the Narraganset and Hopi traditional beliefs recognize sites containing cairns and other stone features as part of their ancestral history. The distance between the Bridgewater University Site and the Hopi Cairn Sites is 2,000 miles. However using the same methodology, Johnson was able to locate both sites, as well as other ancient Native American sites from different historical periods and regions, which strongly suggests they were aligning their habitation and ceremonial sites, as well as stone features, along areas of higher permeability. The results of these blind surveys suggest some of the oral traditions which have been lost to the Hopi and other Native American tribes may be recovered, to some extent, by Johnson’s methodology, as well as other researcher’s investigations of cairn sites (7-8).”
Throughout the northeastern states cairn sites such as Lewis Hollow share a commonality in setting, association with springs, cairns, effigy features and wall types. As more sites are added to the data base, the similarity remains consistent suggesting these sites were constructed by people with a common belief or origin. The site’s features reflect the three dimensional characteristics of earth itself, as well as traditional Native American beliefs. For example, springs with the underworld, surface features such as walls and cairns with the present world and astronomical alignments with the cosmos. Since several of the sites have been referred to by the earliest European settlers as existing at the time of their arrival, and Native Americans associate them with their ancestral heritage, it suggests many of these sites were constructed by the Native Americans who occupied the region for thousands of years (30).

Observations Regarding David Johnson’s Archaeological Site Survey Techniques
 By Dr. Curtiss Hoffman
"Dave Johnson and his wife came to the Bridgewater State University campus, Massachusetts, on Thursday, June 7th, 2012. He had agreed to attempt to locate an archaeological site I know about and which he knew nothing about by locating an area of higher permeability / aquifer using dowsing rods and following it to the site. I led him on a roundabout path through the woods around Great Hill. Actually, I led him to an entrance to the woods distant from the known Native American sacred site and let him find his way from there without guidance from me. He used his dowsing rods to locate 33 several aquifers running off the hill, though the water tower and the cell tower threw some of his results off. We came to the sacred site last, and without my telling him anything about it, he accurately located an aquifer whose edge conforms to the orientation of the stone row. He then went off downhill to find the opposite edge, and was visibly startled to discover the large split rock right at that edge! He traced the aquifer on uphill, and it turns out that there are 2 other aquifers crossing the solstice sunset line, which are also marked by stones. I would say that this was a good confirmation of his method, though I think he can make it more quantitative - for example, his readings on aquifer strength are ranked categories (weak, moderate, strong, very strong) depending on the angle at which the rods cross. I suggested he attach a goniometer to one of the rods to actually measure the angles."
Best regards, Dr. Curtiss Hoffman
 Department of Anthropology Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts

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